About Meck

An international team of imaginative & passionate people


Greg Meckstroth

Founder, City Designer

Greg is Founder and Principal city designer at Meck Studio. He is an award-winning designer, published writer and recognised industry leader, recently being selected by UN-Habitat to advise on global sustainable urban planning projects.

Greg shares his experience with teams, clients and communities across 5 continents and at various scales. Greg’s approach to design focuses on the human scale, graphic communication and creativity.



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Bryony Simcox

Placemaker, Producer
Birmingham, UK and Sydney, Australia

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Swati Janu

Architect, Writer, Artist
Delhi, India

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George Webster

Manchester, UK

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Nicole Dennis

Strategist and Community Engagement Specialist
Sydney, Australia

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Roberto Jaime Deseda

Puerto Rico and Philadelphia, USA


Meck’s Story


What’s in a name? For Greg Meckstroth, city design has been encoded into his for generations. ‘Meckstroth’, loosely translated from German and adapted into American English, is thought to mean ‘maker of streets.’

[ Meck - stroth ]

make - streets

Greg started Meck in January 2019

With Meck Studio, Greg keeps to his ‘maker’ roots with an aspiration to shape sustainable cities of the future. Greg has spent his career working across 5 continents while residing in the United States, Australia and India.

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Meck’s Services

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Urban Design + Strategy

Masterplans, new or infill

Built form modelling, feasibility

Lot subdivision, DAs

Human scale design tools

Climate adaptation

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Mobility + Transport

Holistic planning –
e.g. Complete Streets

Transit-oriented development

Active transport design – e.g. walking, cycling

Future mobility technology

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Streets + Public Space

Public realm design

Water sensitive urban design (WSUD)



Tactical urbanism

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Resiliency + Engagement

Precinct visioning, storytelling

Participatory design

Graphics, videography

Character assessment

Community resiliency


Design Approach

Meck Process Diagram

Our approach is client driven, iterative and holistic, but we always come back to shaping cities for the betterment of people and the planet.


Meck work with our clients and the community to create cities that improve people’s quality of life and foster a respectful relationship with the natural environment.

Meck is a globally networked city design consultancy offering expertise in urban design, public space, mobility, storytelling and city strategy.

We address local and global trends with an evidence-based approach and a human-centered design lens.  We co-create plans with communities during the design process to empower residents, leaders and organisations as stewards of bringing plans to life.

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 Want to make cities better?

Work with Meck.