Delhi and Mumbai, India

Zero Fatality Corridors


Towards zero fatalities on Indian roads.

 In Partnership with SaveLIFE Foundation, Meck redesigned 6 of Delhi’s and 3 of Mumbai’s ‘black spot’ junctions along dangerous corridors to improve safety and multi-modal access. The improvements implemented the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at a local level.

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Improving Safety by Studying Existing Behaviour

The junctions were heavily utilised by varying road user groups so Meck conducted a user behaviour assessment and pedestrian mapping/counts to understand how each mode utilises the space.

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Quick and Cheap Tactical Urbanism Trials

We then trialled tactical safety improvements to cheaply and quickly test ideas in real time and gather data. The installation prioritised pedestrians and cyclists and dedicated space for vendors, taxi, bus/public transport while improving vehicle markings. As part of the trial, the community helped create brightly painted curb extensions and murals of multi-modal symbols.

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A Broader Road Safety Campaign

During National Road Safety Week 2020, the Bhalswa Chowk Trial was initiated with agency stakeholders. The Campaign also included road safety muppet shows, surveys and education in government schools in and around Bhalswa Chowk.

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Instituting Permanent Change

The trial has inspired positive action for permanent change. In Mumbai, sustained efforts resulted in a 43 percent drop in fatalities, training of 500 police officials in enforcement and emergency response and engaging 20,000 community members.


Delhi, India


SaveLIFE Foundation

Bloomberg Philanthropies, Volkswagen, Delhi Police


Cover Image Source: StudioPOD


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